Privacy Policy

At Byori & Co we are committed to protecting your personal information and respecting your privacy.

This website is owned by Byori & Co 

By accessing or using this website and our services (Platform Services), you agree to be bound by this policy (Privacy Policy), which explains how we collect, use and handle any personal information we collect from you in connection with the By Charlotte website.

We understand that collection of personal information is a serious matter. Therefore, the protection and appropriate use of your personal information is important to us. This Privacy Policy is consistent with the Australian Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act). Please read this Privacy Policy so you understand our commitment to protecting the privacy of your information and email us at with any questions.

What types of Personal Information do we collect?


Personal Information we collect from you will depend on how you use the Platform Services, and whether you are a registered user or just a visitor to the website. In general though, the types of Personal Information we may collect from you include your:

  • name;
  • email address;
  • postal address;
  • telephone number(s);
  • your country of residence;
  • your age and gender;
  • the organisation for whom you work; and
  • any other information necessary for us to provide the Platform Services to you.

Our policy

We collect Personal Information you provide directly to us when you contact us, register to use the Platform Services, pay for any Platform Services, participate in surveys and questionnaires, and from other information you upload via the website from time to time.

If you wish to become a registered user of the website, we may collect from you information about you or relating to you when you use the Platform Services, such as when:

  • you sign-up to receive our newsletter or other email notification services;
  • you communicate with us via telephone, SMS, email or via social media (including by submitting a query through our website via our “Contact” webpages);
  • you visit web pages associated with the Platform Services; and
  • you conduct activities connected with your use of the Platform Services.

We may ask you to provide Personal Information including your name, email address, age and gender, questions and answers to security questions and other information that enables us to provide you with an online profile and to verify your identity when using the Platform Services.

To facilitate payment for any of the Platform Services, we may also require Personal Information, including a credit card number and expiry date, debit card number and expiry date, verification number(s) and billing information.

What happens if you wish to be anonymous or use a pseudonym?

You may be able to visit the website and deal with us anonymously or by using a pseudonym. However, we need certain Personal Information to be able to provide you with the services, products or information you seek. If you do not provide us with certain required information, we may not be able to give you access to those services or products or provide you with information you are seeking. For example, we may not be able to respond to your enquiry, enter you in a promotion or send you requested information or products you have purchased.

Where do we store your information?

Personal Information we collect from you is stored securely on servers in Australia. We also engage a third party data hosting service provider (Hosting Service Provider) to provide data hosting services and store data.

Servers in which your information (including your Personal Information) is stored by our Hosting Service Provider are currently located in Australia, although additional or other locations may be used in the future. In particular, our Hosting Service Provider will also likely store your Personal Information on servers located in the United States or elsewhere. The Hosting Service Provider may be subject to foreign laws in those locations that do not have privacy obligations similar to the Act and/or that compel disclosure of personal information to third parties, such as governmental authorities.

If our Hosting Service Provider stores your Personal Information outside Australia, the Act requires us to ensure that the Hosting Service Provider complies with applicable Australian privacy laws, unless you agree otherwise. By providing us with information (including Personal Information), registering to use the Platform Services, using the Platform Services, uploading any materials or information via the website, obtaining products or services provided via the website or undertaking the HoA Test or other surveys and questionnaires, you:

  • consent to us disclosing and transferring your information (including Personal Information) to our Hosting Service Provider;
  • consent to our Hosting Service Provider storing your information (including Personal Information) on servers located outside Australia, particularly in the United States; and
  • agree that the requirement under the Act for us to ensure that our Hosting Service Provider complies with applicable Australian privacy laws in respect of your information (including Personal Information) does not apply if our Hosting Service Provider stores personal information outside Australia, including in the United States.

We may in the future store your Personal Information in other locations outside Australia or engage other data hosting or storage providers that may store your Personal Information in or outside Australia. We will update this Privacy Policy if either is the case.